Ubon, BKK and Laos 2018

Tour Penultimate Day

The travellers take their final breakfast in Vang Vieng
Monday November 19th and an early breakfast for an eight o'clock getaway. We were to travel all the way to Mukdahan via Vientane and Nong Khai. The view from the breakfast verandah was unparalleled, certainly in my experience and obviously why our travel agent had chosen it. Harry and Neville had the same view from their verandah, a sight they won't forget in a hurry. There was plenty of European choice for breakfast, lots of crispy bacon, hash brown's and omelette on toast for me.
Off we went, in the little white pickup's to the old Air America airfield to board the coach. Apparently there are development plans for the airfield site and it could certainly do with being utilised better I think. The leg from Vang Vieng to Vientiane is hilly and twisting, but not to the extreme of Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng. The construction sites for the railway seemed more obvious this time. In one area it looked as though the railway would run smack bang through the centre of a large village and impact it massively.
The old Air America airfield at Vang Vieng
A Bailey Bridge replaces the bombed out structure and we climb up the last hill.
I wondered what rights the villagers had? There will be great disruption to their lives and some of them will definitely lose their home's. I wondered if they will receive decent compensation? We had been on pretty flat ground for quite some time and at one point passed over another Bailey Bridge built on the columns of a previously bombed one. In the background, the columns of the new HS railway bridge were under construction. Shortly after this we climbed up what was to be the last incline although we didn't know that then.
Underneath us is the last tunnel before Vientiane. Stretching into the distance is the route of the HS railway heading south to the Laos capital. The rollover shows a screengrab of the area in question in conventional map format i.e. north at the top of the image, south at the bottom. I've highlighted in red the birds eye view of what this image is showing. We descended on to the plain below passing Phonhong and Phonsavang. It was around here that we stopped at a service station for a break.
Looking down from Phon Hong mountain towards Vientiane.
A transformer robot figure and chinese truck.
The services was quite large with vendors selling their goods in front of the stores. For instance, delicious home made ice cream went down a treat for most of us. The ferocious looking 'Transformer' statue, artistically made from car parts, was an obvious photo opportunity. Away from the shop frontages was a large lorry park. Its inhabitants were Chinese artics in the main with a central theme of concrete or cement. The rollover shows a large well used hopper, presumably on its way to help keep up the production of cement.
We moved on towards Vientiane, we knew we were getting closer when an airliner could be seen descending from the sky. As we entered the outskirts of Vientiane, I noticed how much waste plastic was lying around particularly plastic bags. On arrival at the Wattay Airport we hung around in the Arrivals lounge for a while. I was pleasantly surprised that a computerised system was in use for checking in. I think it's a recent addition though as plenty of signs of the old system were still in place.
Gill Allison poses for Hubby Dave in front of the Airport sign.
The Wattay Airport restaurant.
As we made our to the restaurant on an escalator, we could see that the upgrade was still taking place as work was ongoing in different parts of the building. We ate a buffet lunch from a very good choice of Western and Asian cuisine. There was even Australian red wine from a 5 litre box on offer. Knowing how costly imported wine is in both Thailand and Laos, none of us were drinking it until we noticed the Thai contingent quaffing away. On enquiry we found it was indeed included in the price of the meal, a missed opportunity.
Unfortunately we were all too busy eating to remember to take pictures. Lunch over and we made our way back to ground level to board the coach. We took the opportunity for a group picture and boarded the coach to head of to the Thanaleng border crossing. We passed the new U S Embassy on the outskirts of the city. Cy was keeping us entertained with his stories, the one about seeing his wife for the first time in a number of weeks springs to mind. Apparently his marriage works better when he's away from home, earning a crust.
The trasvellers take a group shot in the Foyer of the Wattay Airport.
The travellers wait in line to depart from Laos
On reaching the border crossing we went through a two stage process, first we went through the Laos customs and then walked to the Duty Free. It was quite hot by this time so we were glad to get under cover. We made our purchases including a 5 litre box of wine and a keg of Heinekin draught beer. This was for our farewell party, more about that later. Aboard the coach once more and Cy (he was funny) bade us farewell before we crossed the Friendship Bridge to Nong Khai and Thai Immigration.
We passed through Thai Immigration quite smoothly. I got the impression that the Officers on duty knew our trip organisor pretty well. We now faced a 330 kilometre, four hour journey back to Mukdahan and the River Front Hotel. The frontage of the Mekong in Mukdahan is undergoing an upgrade. The Chinese Market vendors have had temporary stalls built very close to the front of the buildings. Again, showing all his skills, the driver manouvered his vehicle in a very tight situation perfectly.
Passing over the Mekong from Laos to Nong Khai
The tour organisor Nim
For us the journey was over but the Driver was not done. he had to offload the Thai contingent in a number of different locations before he could rest. It was here we said goodbye to the VN Tours company owner and organisor, Ms Nim Kongkanoi (pix left). A vastly experienced operator with regular tours to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, it was a first for her to be arranging a tour for Europeans. The value for money was excellent. For an extremely reasonable price, everything was taken care of, meals, entrance fee's transport where the coach could not be used etc. etc. We didn't have the need for money
unless it was for personal items such as gifts etc. The itinerary was packed with such a variety on offer that it was hard to fit it all in. Hopefully this account has whetted the appetite of anyone thinking of travelling to Laos. The Thai contingent took it all in their stride, most of them being regulars on Nim's tours, being quite a bit younger than us they had more energy and stamina. We got along pretty well as a number of the Thai's spoke a little English. So to our Thai friend's we say bye bye and God speed on your future travels with VN Tours


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