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Anthony Denner

Anthony Denner sits extreme right front row in tghis squad picture.

Anthony Denner sits far right front row. Robin Sanders account continues:- Neither my sister or I had seen the papers I refer to before. I was 11 at the time of Tony's death and my mother kept the details from me and my younger sister. We were not aware she had kept all the papers. She however did tell me of the scepticism she had about the details of his death by electrocution as she had shown the details to an electrical engineer who said it was not a believable scenario. It has thus haunted us for many years as to exactly what did happen and if the report on the cause was accurate. At the time we had not been told that Tony had gone to Crown camp as his father, who resented the divorce that occurred many years earlier, had hid those details from my mother but from the papers my sister has unearthed, Tony altered his next of kin to our mother the day before his death and thus details of his death went to our mother. Tony's father died some years ago. My mother asked for Tony's name to go on the memorial at the NMA as she knew via the British Legion, for which did voluntary work at county and national level for many decades, that it was possible for it to be added to the memorial. Unfortunately she had been ill for some years and was never in a state of health that I could drive her up from Devon to see his name. Tony was transferred from Crown camp to Singapore and buried in the military cemetery there for some years, before the Singapore government requested the cemetery be returned for housing land. His remains were taken up and I believe cremated before forwarding to my mother. She transferred these to the Garden of Remembrance at Tiverton cemetery in Devon where my mother ensured that a poppy wreath was placed on the memorial stone every year. She had ordered this year's one only a few weeks before she died. Tony was an accomplished amateur photographer and our mother did advise me that the Field Squadron set up a cup for photography in his memory. I would welcome any details your fellow vets may have about Tony and for instance the cup I refer to above. I am happy for any of the above details to be posted on your site and photographs of Tony in his uniform if that would be of interest. My sister and I intend to put a copy of the reunion page in my mother's coffin next week. Although she hasn't seen it whilst alive, we feel it is appropriate that it be with her now.
Kind regards, Robin Sanders
David Chapman (picture right) knew Anthony very well as a fellow platoon member at the Army Apprentices School Chepstow. David was also working on the power lines when Antony was electrocuted. He is the Chairman of Trustees of the Army Apprentice National Memorial at the
National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas. I asked David as an ordinary sapper, who's uniquely qualified to give his opinion, for his version of the events leading to Anthony's death. He very kindly does so HERE
Dave Chapman stands beside the Army Apprentices memorial at the NMA.

The plaque with Anthony's name on it.


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